An Ancestral Ceremony with the Medicine of Remembrance
with Raia Erica Myrian
Facilitated by Raia Erica Myrian
Make your own Medicine. Become your own Healer

 The Maestra Cacao Ritual of Remembrance 
Ancestry and Alchemy" –with Raia"

This ritual is a unique purification ceremony 
held on the medicine of Cacao, and is designed around the Four Elements of Water, Earth, Air and Fire. It is helf by an altar of prayer and intention and with the support of the plant alchemy wisdom of healing. It is guided by musical participation and healing arts connected to the practices and medicines of the earth

.Each women makes her own medicine while discovering the healer within.
The Cacao prepared by the women participants is used for self healing purposes and as part of the collective ritual experience.
The Maestra Cacao Ceremony was developed by Raia over decades of experience and study with indigenous people and tribes from the Americas.
Cacao, referred to as ixCacao traditionally, has always had a magnetic attraction with anyone she comes in contact with. Cacao, in its pure and bitter form, 
already has the good fortune to be part of the royal court of wise and therapeutic plants, and a crowd favorite because of its flavor and joyful effects.
It's versatility can ignite even the most timid to to step out of
their comfort zone and celebrate life. She is the antidepressant that holds us and the endorphin booster that helps us remember the innocent pleasure that comes with  camaraderie, laughter, dance, song, story and play.
A Maestra Cacao Ceremony lasts from 3 or more hours and can be held in a variety of venues– indoors, or outdoors in nature. 
Special bookings can be made by private contact.
with Raia Erica Myrian
Thursday July 11, 2024
23:00 - 17:00

Limited Space
Reserve your place by whatsApp message only to
Location - Pardes Hana/Karkur 
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This is an invitation for you to join others in 
a sacred manner
 and be empowered by the wisdom of ancient ritual

This is an invitation for you to meet love, art and 
creativity in every moment.

This is an invitation for you to celebrate your life.

This is an invitation for you to make your own 
medicine and become your own healer.
The Joys of Journeying with Cacao

Connecting to an Open Heart
Embrace your heart journey and gently remember the essence of who you are by awakening the lineage that nurtures you.

Discover the Beauty Way
A path for creating harmony art and balance, beginning with your personal healing journey and rippling out to heal the collective.

Prepare Medicinal Cacao
Learn how to traditionally prepare this ancestral plant medicine as an offering to our ancestors, our Earth Mother and the community we are gathering with.

Awaken Your Self Accepatance
Experience alignment with your Highest Self through celebration, witnessing  and a renewed commitment to living from a place of personal power and the truth of who you are.

Heal your Ancestral Lineage
Release generational patterns, current blocks, limiting belief systems, and conditional thinking so that new seeds can be planted welcoming renewal and regeneration.

Balance Energetically
Recognize masculine and feminine energies in the body and learn ways to activate this in practical ways.
-Participants share their Story-
Sivan Ben Hur Latres

Sivan Ben Hur Latres

Thank you stunning Raia for the healing space and medicine you bring to the world! Thank you dear and beloved women for a time of magic and a shared dream. I had a really pleasant and special time with you. My heart expanded and was filled thanks to the heart of each of you. Thanks!
Annoushka Kapulnik

Annoushka Kapulnik

I am deeply grateful for sharing this sacred space with you. It was a 1st time women only ceremony for me  and it was POWERFUL  so many layers and strong medicine for my dear dear heart.
I loved to finally meet you in the best way there is to meet - around the fire.


my heart still beating to the rhythm we created together around your Alter , both an initiation and a continuation , weaving together decades of your wisdom on the path with many firsts , first ceremony in new home , first celebration of the new alter , first time of Winter in Israel and first time of Kyra on the fire … together with what continues , the stones , the plants , Sivan on the fire and most meaningfully the ancestral traditions that have been guarded and protected by the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and shared only to be honored and respected by those living in right relationship, what a ceremony you created , we came from all corners of the globe , many languages , but as women we United in song , in prayer , inmaking life sacred , thank you for altering our lives with your alter ,
I love you to the moon and back
Umina Kedmy

Umina Kedmy

In the Cacao Ceremony with Raia, a wonderful space opened up for me, to remember the beauty and abundance that comes from nature.
I encountered encountered the plants and prayer, cultivation and self-love, poetry and holiness.
Recommended for every woman to come and fill her heart and be inspired by this all-too-beautiful ceremony!

Kira Wildheart
Raia, thank you so much for seeing me and gifting me this opportunity to be of service. Thank you for giving space for the fairy and warrior in me to play 😂 and thank you for creating such a powerful portal of prayer. Such an honor to weave with you and all the other women in this space.
About Raia
Raia Erica Myrian brings over two decades of practice in the Wise Women Traditions and Medicine Woman Path. Having learned directly from Indigenous Medicine Women she shares her vast knowledge of healing plants, ancestral traditions and women’s 

Raia guides women in ceremony, workshops and retreats by supporting women in their journey with the medicines of the earth. Her path has included Skin Care Formulator, Ceremonialist, Artist, Business Owner of Terra Teva Super Food Raw Beauty and most significantly: Mother. 

Medicine  of Cacao
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